DAW - Apple Logic Pro X

Posted May 6, 2020 by  ‐ 2 min read

Using Melrōse with Logic Pro X.


Logic Pro is a product of Apple Inc.


Logic Pro is a professional Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) available for Apple Mac OSX. Melrōse can communicate with Logic Pro by sending MIDI messages. Logic Pro has a rich set of sounds and instruments to play MIDI notes. In addition, Logic Pro is able to play multiple MIDI channels simultaneously which can be programmed individualy by melrōse.

This article describes the steps to get Melrōse working with Logic Pro such that you can play your melody per-channel.


The installation steps are the same as described for GarageBand. Follow this article and open Logic instead of GarageBand.

Keep the editor and the demo.mel file open. Enter the following program into the editor, replaceing the previous example.


y1 = fraction(8,sequence('e+ a- c5- b- c5- a- e+ f+ a- c5- b- c5- a- f-'))
y2 = fraction(8,sequence('c+ a3- f3- e3- f3- a3- c+ c+ g3- e3- d3- e3- g3- c+'))

// sync(y1,y2)

p = interval(-2,2,1)
p1 = pitch(p,y1)
p2 = pitch(p,y2)

lp_1 = loop(channel(1,p1))         // Luminous Tines
lp_2 = loop(channel(2,p2),next(p)) // Plectrum Pad


// stop(lp_1)
// stop(lp_2)

Create project

Open the application Logic Pro and create a new project. Go to the project settings, Recording, and enable auto demix by channel if multi-track recording.

Add Instruments

For the demo, we need two tracks with 2 different instruments.


Make sure track 1 is receiving from MIDI Channel 1, track 2 from Channel 2.


test play one expression

Put the cursor on line 3 and hit cmd+3 for instant play of that sequence.

play all

Select all the text, cmd+A and hit cmd+3. This will evaluate all statments and expressions cause 2 loops to begin at the same time.

stop all

Select the text stop(lp_1) and this cmd+5 to stop the first loop. You must repeat it for the other loop.

What’s next

Visit the Melrōse documentation to find information about the programming language and the program itself. It also offers tutorials, examples and recorded demo videos.

Happy music coding!