04 Loop
create a loop
s = sequence('c d e f g a b')
lp = loop(a)
A loop plays one or more musical objects repeatedly.
The tempo at which the notes of the objects are played is set using the bpm
The loop object must be assigned a the variable, here lp
because the program needs a reference in order to play
or stop
the loop.
Using the editor with the plugin, it is much easier to play a loop using cmd+3
and stop it with cmd+5
pitch loop
i = interval(0,4,1)
p = pitch(i,sequence('c d e f g a b'))
l = loop(p,next(i))
An interval is a non-musical object that can generate integer numbers.
In this example, it will generate the numbers 0 1 2 3 4
and will repeat them in this order.
A pitch is a musical object modifier that changes the pitch of each note with the number of semitones.
In this example, the pitch of the notes of a sequence is increased by the current value of i
On each loop entry, the pitched sequence is played and the interval is asked to go to the next value using next(i)